Ordinance No. 25-10 amending Chapter 7 (Unified Development Code) of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs 2001, as amended, pertaining to Medical and Retail Marijuana. (Quasi-Judicial) (Second Reading and Public Hearing).
Kevin Walker, Director, Planning Department
The voters of the City of Colorado Springs voted to approve the limited retail sales of marijuana during the November 5th, 2024, election. The passing of Ballot Question 300 allows the cultivation, manufacture, testing, and retail sales of "recreational marijuana"; this ordinance will identify the zones and requirements for those land uses. The proposed ordinance will adopt regulations that allow the uses in City limits by additions to the Unified Development Code. The proposed ordinance includes language that will restrict these uses to only select zone districts and must follow use-specific standards within Section 7.3.303. Among these standards, these land uses are prohibited to be located within 1,000 feet of from any operating public or private daycare facility, including but not limited to Child Day Care Centers, Child Care Facilities, and Home Day Cares, Elementary or Secondary School, and Drug or Alcohol Treatment Facility.
Additionally, minor revisions are proposed to the medical marijuana section of the Unified Development Code. Removal of the two sub-groups "hazardous" and non-hazardous" manufacturing is suggested, and the addition of medical marijuana testing centers was added to the Code.
This Ordinance shall amend the Unified Development Code to show the permitted locations, use-specific standards, and other regulation pertaining to retail recreational marijuana as a land use within the City.
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City Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the Ordinance at the January 8th, 2025 mee...
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