Ordinance No. 22-36 annexing to the City of Colorado Springs that area known as Space Village Addition No. 1 annexation consisting of 21.82 acres.
Related Files: CPC A 21-00153R, CPC ZC 21-00165, CPC CP 20-00137-A1MJ21
Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Community Development
Owner: Space Village Industrial LLC
Developer: Space Village Industrial LLC
Representative: Matrix Design Group
Location: Northwest of Marksheffel Road and Space Village Avenue intersection.
The project includes concurrent applications for annexation of 21.82 acres, establishment of zoning of 14.665 acres, and a concept plan for 49.9 acres. The proposed zoning will establish a PIP-2/APZ2/AO (Planned Industrial Park / Accident Potential Subzone 2 with Airport Overlay) zone district.
The proposed annexation is located in the Cimmaron Hills Enclave north of Colorado Springs Airport, north of Space Village Avenue and east of Marksheffel Road. This is a large enclave, consisting of 4,495 acres. The area consists of several different uses, from industrial, commercial, and residential. The immediate area of the proposed annexation is industrial to the west and un-developed property to the north, south and east.
There is a property line bisecting the proposed annexation and zone change. This area is not identified in a Master Plan, however, a remaining portion of the concept plan amendment area is located within the Banning Lewis Ranch Master Plan and is identified as Office/Light Industrial.
The Space Village Addition No. 1 Annexation will annex 21.82 acres of property into the municipal limits of the City of Colorado Springs. The property is intended for industrial uses to be developed within the City and utilizing city infrastructure. Initial comments from El Paso County included the request to annex Space Village Avenue further west t...
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