Proposed updates to the City of Colorado Springs Civilian and Sworn Policies and Procedures Manuals
Danielle Delgado, Human Resources Manager, Human Resources
The City of Colorado Springs Human Resources Department is requesting updates to the City's Civilian and Sworn Policies and Procedures Manuals to reinstate the Retirement Health Savings (RHS) benefit that was removed in 2011, and to update the Domestic Violence Abuse leave section to include paid leave in accordance with the Healthy Families and Workplaces Act, and to add non-retaliation and discrimination language as required by a Department of Justice grant for CSPD.
All policies that include the former RHS benefit have been updated to reinstate the benefit and include equity across departments. These include Civilian Policies #2 Employment, #4 Separation, #21 Sick Leave and #62 The At-will Senior Manager Benefit Program. Sworn Policy #11 Sick leave is also updated to reinstate the RHS benefit.
Civilian Policy # 23 and Sworn Policy #15 will be updated and moved from the "Unpaid Leave" section to the "Paid Leave" section. The Colorado Springs Police Department has a grant from the Department of Justice, Office of Violence against Women. The grant totals approximately $1.6 million. In order to comply with the receipt of the grant we need to update our policy as it relates to retaliation and discrimination against victims of domestic violence. In addition, the Healthy Families and Workplaces Act requires that the first 48 hours of sick leave per year may be used to take time off related to domestic abuse. We are recommending that employees be allowed to use up to 48 hours per year for this reason, and not only the first 48 hours of sick leave used per year.
Previous Council Action:
In accordance with Ordinance No. 12-83, City Council has approved changes to the City's Policies and Procedures Manuals by motion in the past.
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