Ordinance No. 18-3 amending Section 503 (Concept Plan and Development Plan Application Review Procedures) of Part 5 (Concept Plans and Development Plans) of Article 5 (Administration and Procedures) of Chapter 7 (Planning, Development and Building) of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs 2001, as amended, pertaining to Reviewing Authorities.
Related File: CPC CA 17-00026-A
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director
Meggan Herington, Assistant Planning Director
Previous Council Action:
On March 22, 2016 City Council approved the Comprehensive Plan Infill Supplement and Infill Action Plan which generally recommend assessment and possible changes to the development plan review criteria to make them more supportive of infill, redevelopment and adaptive reuse projects.
At the City Council Work Session on April 24, 2017 staff presented an ordinance for the update of the development plan review criteria. At that work session, several Council members expressed concerns related to the language. Particular concerns voiced included the lack of standards surrounding affordable housing and displacement, and public safety/evacuation criteria. This ordinance now to be considered includes amendments based on that Council input.
Council was briefed on the newly updated proposal at the work session on January 8, 2018. This briefing was based on the documents attached to the memo as the final ordinances.
City Council last made substantive changes to these sections of the City Code in 2001.
On January 23, 2018, this ordinance was passed on first reading on the Consent Calendar.
This is a proposal to amend City Code Section 7.5.502.E pertaining to development plan review criteria and City Code Section 7.5.503.A pertaining to review authorities for concept and development plan applications. The proposed ordinances will replace the existing twelve (12) review criteria with 13 new numbered criteria ...
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