A non-use variance to allow zero (0) parking stalls where sixteen (16) parking stalls are required.
Related Files: CPC DP 18-00051, CPC ZC 18-00050
Peter Wysocki, Director Planning and Community Development
Mike Schultz, Principal Planner, Planning and Community Development
Applicant: Lil' Market LLC
Owner: Lil' Market, LLC
Location: 749 East Willamette Avenue
This project includes concurrent applications for a zone change, development plan and non-use variance for the property located at 749 E. Willamette Avenue. The proposed zone change is from R-2 (Two-family Residential) to C-5/CR (Intermediate Business with conditions of record). The development plan demonstrates the existing building on the site, on-street parking and proposed patio addition. The non-use request is to allow zero (0) parking stalls where sixteen (16) are required. All of the applications relate to legalizing the existing non-conforming use of the property.
Previous Council Action:
There has not been any previous City Council action on this item.
The project proposes concurrent Land Use applications to address a historic legal non-conforming commercial use of a property located at 749 E. Willamette Avenue. The applications include a change of zone, an accompanying development plan and a non-use variance relating to off-street parking. The rezone request would be to rezone the site from R-2 (Two-family Residential) to C-5/cr (Intermediate Business with conditions of record); Planning Staff is suggesting conditions of record to be attached to the zoning, see below comments and attached proposed prohibited uses, to minimize impacts to the surrounding neighborhood.
The building was originally constructed in 1909, Staff's research shows the building being used as a neighborhood grocery and retail market beginning around 1910 (it may have originated in 1909 with the construction of the building); the marke...
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