A non-use variance to allow a 15 foot side yard setback along the south lot line where 25 foot is required in the PBC (Planned Business Center) zone district located at the southwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and North Academy Boulevard.
Related files: CPC ZC 19-00009, CPC DP 19-00010
Chris Staley, Planner II, Planning & Community Development
Owner: Cascade Canyon Investments, LLC
Developer: Cadence Development, LLC
Consultant Representative: N.E.S., Inc.
Location: 6480 North Academy Boulevard.
The request is to rezone the subject property from PBC/HS (Planned Business Center with a Hillside Overlay) and OC/HS (Office Complex with a Hillside Overlay) to PBC (Planned Business Center). The development plan will allow construction of a 3,061 square foot convenience store with fuel canopy. The non-use variance to allow a 15 foot side yard setback along the south lot line where 25 foot is required in the PBC (Planned Business Center) zone district. The subject property is located southwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and North Academy Boulevard and consists of 1.13 acres. Staff is also administratively reviewing a waiver of replat for this site.
Previous Council Action:
The 6480 North Academy property was initially developed in 1976. A development plan was not required at the time the property was developed. In 2015 a development plan was approved when a new access point was proposed onto Dublin Boulevard. That access was never installed. The adjacent lot at 0 Wall Street is currently vacant with only the parking spaces from the adjacent property encroaching at the westerly lot line.
The project area is currently split-zoned. Pursuant to City Code, development sites must be single-zoned. The change of zone will establish one contiguous base zone for the 1.13 acres as PBC (Planned Business Center) and removal of the hillside overlay. The site is currently comprised of t...
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