A request by Cerberus Brewing Company for a development plan for a brew-pub and restaurant located at 702 W. Colorado Avenue.
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Development Director, Planning and Development Department
Applicant: Echo Architecture on behalf of Cerberus Brewing Company
Owner: Jerry Morris
Location: 702 W. Colorado Avenue
Development plan for the purpose of converting the former Colorado Avenue Veterinary Clinic to a brew pub and restaurant, the Cerberus Brewing Company;
Previous Council Action:
To approve the development plan for the purpose of converting the former Colorado Avenue Veterinary Clinic to a brew pub and restaurant and that it complies with the review criteria listed in Section 7.5.502.E of the City Code subject to the following technical modifications:
1.The addition of a 20' setback from the west property line for use of an outdoor patio seating area;
2.The addition of an 8' solid masonry wall within the 20' setback area with the determination between the neighbor and applicant and extend from the West Colorado property line to the beginning of the parking area.
a.Amendment to motion that landscaping shall be identified and approved by staff within the setback area.
The development plan proposes design features that would help to mitigate or minimize off-site impacts. For example, the on-site parking area would provide some measure of buffer between the indoor component of the brew pub and restaurant and the multi-family residential use at 712 W. Colorado (just to the west). In addition, the existing chain link fencing would have slats installed to provide visual mitigation, and the landscaping plan indicates that Rocky Mountain Juniper and Green Giant Arborvitae would provide for natural screening, especially at maturity.
Financial Implications:
Not applicable
Board/Commission Recommendation:
At their meeting o...
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