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File #: CPC ZC 21-00041    Version: Name: MVS Centennial East
Type: Ordinance Status: Mayor's Office
File created: 6/29/2021 In control: City Council
On agenda: 9/14/2021 Final action: 9/14/2021
Title: Ordinance No. 21-70 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs relating to 9.09 acres located southeast of the Centennial Boulevard and West Van Buren intersection from PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development: Attached and Detached residential, 4-20 dwelling units per acre with a maximum of 411-units, religious institution, 35-foot maximum height with Streamside Overlay) to PBC/cr (Planned Business Center with conditions of record) (Quasi-Judicial) Presenter: Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Community Development Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development
Indexes: Master Plan Amendment, Mesa Springs Community Plan
Attachments: 1. ORD_ZC_MVSCentennialEast, 2. Exhibit A_Legal Description, 3. Exhibit B_Zone Change
Related files: CPC MPA 00-00103-A3MJ21, CPC CP 21-00043, CPC PUP 09-00128-A2MJ21

Ordinance No. 21-70 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs relating to 9.09 acres located southeast of the Centennial Boulevard and West Van Buren intersection from PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development: Attached and Detached residential, 4-20 dwelling units per acre with a maximum of 411-units, religious institution, 35-foot maximum height with Streamside Overlay) to PBC/cr (Planned Business Center with conditions of record)


Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development

Owner: MVS Development, LLC
Developer: MVS Development, LLC
Representative: N.E.S., Inc.
Location: Southeast and Southwest of the Centennial BLVD and West Van Buren Intersection

This project includes concurrent applications for a major amendment to the Mesa Springs Community master plan from medium-high density residential and public park to office/commercial and religious institution/commercial on the east side of Centennial; a zone change from PUD (Planned Unit Development [Residential. Attached and detached [4-20 du/ac, maximum of 411 units] religious institution, 35-foot maximum height] with Streamside Overlay) PBC/CR (Planned Business Center with conditions of record); a PUD concept plan amendment illustrating the removal of all single-family use from the east side of Centennial; and a new concept plan illustrating 4.2 acres as religious institution and commercial and 4.9 acres as commercial and office.

The 38.62-acre site is located southwest and southeast of the Centennial Boulevard and Van Buren Street Intersection. The proposed site is within the Mesa Springs Community master plan that was approved in 1986. A concept plan was approved in December 2010 and identified high, medium, and low residential density to the west of Centennial Boulevard and low to medium residential combined with religious institution to the ...

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