Ordinance No. 21-01 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 3.43 acres located at the northwest corner of Lower Gold Camp Road and West Moreno Avenue, from R-5/M-1/R1-6/HR/DF (Multi-Family Residential/Light Industrial/Single-Family Residential/High-Rise Overlay/Design Flexibility) to R-5 (Multi-Family Residential) for development of 72 apartments.
Related Files: CPC ZC 17-00068, CPC DP 18-00048
Tasha Brackin, Senior Planner, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development
Owner: Viceroy Development Inc.
Developer: Viceroy Development Inc.
Representative: ECHO Architecture
Location: Northwest corner of Lower Gold Camp Road and West Moreno Avenue.
The project includes concurrent applications for a zone change and development plan. The zone change would amend the city zoning map for 3.43 acres of land from R-5/M-1/R1-6/HR/DF (Multi-Family Residential/Light Industrial/Single-Family Residential/High-Rise Overlay/Design Flexibility) to R-5 (Multi-Family Residential). The development plan demonstrates the proposed layout of the physical improvements associated with the 72 proposed apartments subject to the following technical modification: Receive approval of the Final Drainage Report prior to the recordation of the final subdivision plat.
The proposed Vue Des Monts development was initially submitted to the City Land Use Review department in May of 2017 and a neighborhood meeting was held shortly thereafter. Based upon the input received by neighbors at the time, the development concept was changed from a townhome product to apartments. A revised development layout illustrating apartments was presented to neighbors at another community meeting in November of 2017, and a formal submittal reflecting the apartments was received by the City in March of 2018. The plan underwent multiple reviews during the subs...
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