A development plan for CVS Pharmacy Store Number 11001 consisting of 1.46 acres for the purpose of a 13,111 square foot pharmacy and retail store
Peter Wysocki, Director Planning and Community Development
Michael Schultz, Principal Planner, Planning and Community Development
Applicant: Kimley Horn Associates
Owners: Slate Carefree Holdings, LLC & Thomas Stoen
Location: Southeast corner of North Academy Boulevard and North Carefree Circle
This project includes concurrent applications for change of zone from PBC (Planned Business Center) and C-6 (General Business) to PBC (Planned Business Center) zone district consisting of 1.46 acres and a development plan for a 13,111 square foot pharmacy and retail store.
Previous Council Action:
No previous action has been taken.
The request is to rezone a portion of property to be acquired from the Carefree Shopping Center to include with the proposed replatting and redevelopment of the subject lot for a 13,111 square foot retail pharmacy store. The subject property is improved with a vacant bank building. That building would be razed to clear the site for the proposed retail building.
The proposal by CVS is to acquire additional property from the adjacent Carefree Shopping Center in order to own and maintain two (2) access drives (one at North Academy Boulevard and the other at North Carefree Circe) that will serve both the subject property and the shopping center. The proposed CVS store site is zoned PBC and the Carefree Shopping Center is zoned C-6. City Code Section 7.2.105.B requires that platted lots have only one base zone. With the addition of the adjacent property to the redevelopment of the subject site, the new lot configuration would have two (2) base zone districts (PBC and C6); thus the need to rezone to establish a single base zone. The applicant is seeking to include the acquired property from the C-6 (General Business) zone...
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