Ordinance No. 21-109 Amending Ordinance No. 20-92 (2021 Appropriation Ordinance) for a Supplemental Appropriation in the Amount of $2,305,000 to the Public Space and Development Fund to Acquire Approximately 8.48 acres of Property Located at 1819 West Cheyenne Road for the Purpose of a Public Park
Karen Palus, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department Director
Matt Mayberry, Cultural Services Manager
Britt Haley, Parks Design and Development Manager
This is a request for a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $2,305,000 from the fund balance from park land dedication ordinance fees to provide for the purchase of a park site and to fund the real estate transaction costs. For City finance and budgeting purposes the fund is identified as the Public Space and Development Fund.
This is a proposal to use approximately $2.3 million in park land dedication ordinance fees to purchase a historically significant 8.48-acre neighborhood park site and its facilities in partnership with the Golden Lotus Foundation (GLF) which is a local nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization founded to promote and celebrate Asian heritage. This property is located at 1819 West Cheyenne Road on the southwest side of the City. At the suggestion of a member of City Council familiar with the property and the Parks Department's interest in it, GLF contacted Parks to understand if Parks would prefer to partner with them to complete a purchase of the property. This proposal offers a partnership which would allow the City to own the park property and have GLF as a partner to operate the site while they conduct a fundraising and capital development campaign to convert the existing facilities into an Asian heritage center, botanical garden and tea house. Because the site is over 8 acres, other neighborhood park elements such as the grassy areas, walking trails, and other park facilities are envisioned to co-exist with and complement t...
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