A PUD concept plan for the Farm Filing 7 project illustrating a single-family detached residential development at 2-3.49 dwelling units per acre and access off Ridgeline Drive, located south of Ridgeline Drive and north of Black Squirrel Creek.
Related File: CPC PUZ 19-00020
Peter Wysocki, Director Planning and Community Development
Daniel Sexton, Senior Planner, Planning and Community Development
Owner: Ginger I, LLC, La Plata Communities, Allison Valley Development Company, LLC, Doug Quimby, Thomas Taylor, Mike Ruebenson, and Patrick and Robert Leach
Developer: Ginger I, LLC c/o La Plata Communities
Consultant Representative: Classic Consulting Engineers & Surveyors
Location: South of Ridgeline Drive and north of Black Squirrel Creek
The project includes concurrent applications for a PUD (Planned Unit Development) concept plan and zone change. The PUD concept plan for the Farm Filing 7 project envisions a single-family detached residential development at 2-3.49 dwelling units per acre will access off of Ridgeline Drive. The PUD zone change will change the current zoning for the subject property from A/cr/PUD (Agricultural with Conditions of Record and Planned Unit Development) to PUD (Planned Unit Development: Single-Family Residential, 2-3.49 dwelling units per acre, and a 35-foot maximum building height limit) in conformance with The Farm Master Plan.
Previous Council Action:
City Council previously took action on these properties in 2005 during the annexation and initial review of land use entitlements associated with the Farm development project.
The subject property is located south of Ridgeline Drive and north of Black Squirrel Creek, and was annexed into the City on September 27, 2005 under the Allison Ranch Addition Annexation Plat (Ord. 05-131). The site has remained vacant since annexation, with the exception of some portion of the site being used to stockpile overbu...
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