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File #: CPC ZC 22-00001    Version: Name: Lexington Vistas
Type: Ordinance Status: Mayor's Office
File created: 5/5/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 7/12/2022 Final action: 7/12/2022
Title: Ordinance No. 22-38 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs relating to 6.49-acres located southwest of the intersection of Lexington Drive and Parliament Drive from R-5/P (Multi-Family with Planned Provisional Overlay) to R-5 (Multi-Family Residential) (Quasi-Judicial) Related File: CPC CP 22-00002 Presenter: Katelynn Wintz, Planning Supervisor, Planning & Community Development Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development
Attachments: 1. Ord_ZC_LexingtonVistas, 2. Exhibit A, 3. Exhibit B, 4. Signed Ordinance No. 22-38
Related files: CPC CP 22-00002

Ordinance No. 22-38 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs relating to 6.49-acres located southwest of the intersection of Lexington Drive and Parliament Drive from R-5/P (Multi-Family with Planned Provisional Overlay) to R-5 (Multi-Family Residential)


Related File: CPC CP 22-00002

Katelynn Wintz, Planning Supervisor, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development

Owner: Covenant Presbyterian Church
Developer: Springs Land Ventures, LLC
Consultant: NES Inc.
Location: 2845 Parliament Drive

The project includes concurrent applications for a Concept Plan and Zone Change for 6.49 acres of land at 2845 Parliament Drive, southwest of the intersection of Parliament Drive and Lexington Drive. The project, Lexington Vistas, is zoned R-5/P (Multi-Family with Planned Provisional Overlay) (CPC P 85-40, Ordinance 85-29). The Planned Provisional Overlay was put in place to restrict uses to allow religious institutions only. The Zone Change proposes to remove the Planned Provisional Overlay and keep the R-5 Zone to facilitate a multi-family residential development on the southern portion of the site. The Concept Plan shows the established religious institution on the northern 3.53 acres and proposes a new multifamily development on the southern 2.96 acres. The proposed maximum residential density is 28 units per acre, which would result in approximately 82 units.

The request will rezone 6.49 acres from R-5/P (Multi-Family Residential with Planned Provisional Overlay) to R-5 (Multi-Family Residential). The Planned Provisional Overlay includes two conditions of record. The first restricts the use of the parcel to church and church-related activities only. The second required Planning Department approval of a development plan prior to the issuance of a building permit. The second condition of record became irrelevant because the Zoning Code...

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