Overview of the Community Development Division's role as the administrator of annual grant funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Steve Posey, Community Development Division Manager
Catherine Duarte, Senior Analyst
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director
The presentation provides an overview of the Community Development Division's role as the administrator of annual grant funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
National Community Development Week (April 5-9) is an opportunity to showcase the many outstanding projects our public and private partners accomplish each year with grant funding from HUD. This year, staff prepared or facilitated a number of information pieces, including social media posts, a Gazette guest editorial, an episode of the Behind the Springs podcast, ongoing features on the Community Development Division webpage, and a Rocky Mountain PBS special focused on Greccio Housing's founder, Claudia Deats-Rogers. A recurring theme in all of the Community Development Division's work is collaboration and strong partnerships.
As the city continues to grow, affordable housing remains a concern throughout the region. In 2018, Mayor Suthers set a goal to build or preserve 1000 units of affordable housing each year. In 2019, the Community Development Division released HomeCOS, the City's affordable and attainable housing plan. Concurrently with National Community Development Week, the Division released an update on our progress toward meeting the Mayor's housing goals. As a result of ongoing collaboration with non-profit and for-profit developers, local housing providers, regional government partners, and the Colorado Housing Finance Authority (CHFA), a total of 1117 units are either under construction or well along the way to securing entitlements and tax credit financing.
Later this Spring, the Community Development Division will release a Consolidat...
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