A resolution of the City Council of the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado approving a major master plan amendment for the Mountain Shadows Master Plan changing 2.4 acres from Research & Development (R&D) to Residential with a density of 3.5-7.99 dwelling units per acre located northwest of Silverstone Terrace and Mule Deer Drive.
Related Files: CPC PUZ 20-00071, CPC PUD 06-00067-A5MN20
Katelynn Wintz, Senior Planner, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development
Owner: TFV1, LLC
Developer: TFV1, LLC
Representative: Kimley-Horn and Associates
Location: Northwest of Silverstone Terrace and Mule Deer Drive
The project includes concurrent applications for a major master plan amendment, PUD zone change, and major PUD development plan amendment for 5 acres of land located at 5730 Silverstone Terrace. The major amendment to the Mountain Shadows Master Plan proposes a change to the land use designation of 2.4 acres from Research and Development (R&D) to Residential with a density of 3.5-7.99 dwelling units per acre. The zone change request proposes to change a 5-acre portion of the project site from PIP1/HS (General Industrial with Hillside Overlay) to PUD/HS (Planned Unit Development with Hillside Overlay). A concurrent major PUD development plan amendment illustrates the addition of 2.4 acres to the existing development plan for construction of a 24-unit residential project consisting of single-family (attached) and multi-family (townhouse) units and ancillary site improvements.
The property was part of the original Tuscan Foothills Village Planned Unit Development (PUD) approved in 2006 (and reapproved as a minor amendment in 2013). The plans called for approximately 30,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial/office/recreation center use, in addition to 135 proposed dwelling units on approximately 49-acres. The overall development plan has been ...
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