Little Mesa Tanks Relocation Project development plan associated with the change of zone to build a new water tank and demolish the old water tank on the property, located at east of Manitou Boulevard, north of Monument Street, and south of Uintah Boulevard. Quasi-Judicial
Lonna Thelen, Principal Planner, Land Use Review
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development
Applicant: Colorado Springs Utilities
Owner: Colorado Springs Utilities
Location: North of Manitou Boulevard and west of Monument Street
There are two applications as part of this project:
1. Zone Change
2. Development Plan
The applicant is requesting a zone change for 17 acres from PK/PF/R/HS (Parks and Recreation, Public Facilities, Estate Single-Family Residential with Hillside Overlay) to PF/HS (Public Facility with Hillside Overlay). In addition, the applicant is proposing a development plan for the property to build a new water tank and demolish the existing water tank.
Previous Council Action:
The Little Mesa Tank site is a 17-acre property that contains a number of different zone districts. This application serves to consolidate the zoning in the area and accommodates the public utility and parks and recreation use that is currently on the site. The PF (Public Facilities) zone district permits both public facilities (the water tank) and parks and recreation uses. The Little Mesa Tank site is a great example of joint use of property between a City department and enterprise: Colorado Springs Utilities and the City's Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department.
The existing water tank on this property is in need of replacement. Colorado Springs Utilities is planning to build a new water tank to replace the existing tank and then remove the existing tank in January of 2017. The new water tank will be located southeast of the existing water tank. In addition to being a water tank site, the property is a...
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