A concept plan for 20.26 acres located west of South Chelton Road along the north and south sides of Hancock Expressway for multi-family residential and commercial development.
Related Files: CPC PUZ 22-00036, CPC PUP 22-00037
Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development
Owner: HC20, LLC / Phi Real Estate Investments, LLC
Representative: NES / Blaine Perkins / Andrea Barlow
Location: West of South Chelton along the north and south sides of Hancock Expressway
This project includes concurrent applications for a zone change from PUD/PUD/OC/CR/PBC/AO (Planned Unit Development; Townhomes, 30 ft. max. bldg. ht, 15 du/ac; Planned Unit Development; Townhomes, 35 ft. max bldg. ht, 11.668 du/ac with Navigation Preservation Overlay; Office Complex with Airport Overlay; Planned Business Center with Airport Overlay) to PUD/AO (Planned Unit Development; Residential and Commercial, with density and maximum building height established with CPC PUP 22-00037 with Airport Overlay), and a new concept plan illustrating 20.26-acres as multi-family residential and commercial.
The site has remained undeveloped since annexation in 1969. The subject property is currently under four (4) separate zoning designations. The northeast portion is currently zoned PBC/AO (Planned Business Center with Airport Overlay) by Ordinance No. 84-196; the northwest portion is currently zoned OC/AO (Office Complex with Airport Overlay) by Ordinance No. 84-195; the southeast portion is currently zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development; Townhomes, 35 ft. max bldg. ht., 11.668 du/ac with Navigation Preservation Overlay) by Ordinance No. 03-36; lastly the southwest portion is currently zoned PUD/CR (Planned Unit Development with Conditions of Record) by Ordinance No. 84-194.
Three (3) of the above zonings were approved in 1984, with the last one to be...
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