Ordinance No. 17-43 amending Ordinance No. 16-116 (2017 Appropriation Ordinance) for a Supplemental Appropriation to the Memorial Health System Enterprise Fund in the Amount of $2,581,000 to Pay Costs Related to Third-Party Payor Audits and to Transfer monies to the Colorado Springs Health Foundation
Kara Skinner, Chief Financial Officer
The attached ordinance is to increase the 2017 Memorial Health System Enterprise Fund budget and to appropriate monies in the amount of $2,581,000 to pay costs related to third-party payor audits and to transfer monies to the Colorado Springs Health Foundation (CSHF). The source of funds is a transfer from UCH-MHS received by the City in April 2017.
According to the lease, Schedule 3.6.8 Obligations and Liabilities Related to Third-Party Payors, the Parties agreed to reconcile UCH-MHS net actual receivables received and liabilities paid out to the amount accrued in the Memorial Health System financial statements on the effective date of the lease. UCH-MHS and the City met and agreed on the first reconciliation in 2016 and again for a second reconciliation in 2017.
The net result of the first reconciliation was an amount due to the City of approximately $5,264,000. Of the $5,264,000, $298,000 was paid to a contract audit firm that assisted MHS with audits of a number of third-party cost reports that resulted in positive settlements. The balance of $4,966,000 was transferred to the Colorado Springs Health Foundation in 2016.
The net result of the second reconciliation was an amount due to the City of approximately $2,581,000. Of the $2,581,000, $35,000 will be paid to a contract audit firm that assisted MHS with audits of a number of third-party cost reports that resulted in positive settlements. The balance of $2,546,000 will be transferred to the Colorado Springs Health Foundation.
As some third-party cost reports remain open, UCH-MHS and the City will again reconcile when ...
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