A Resolution Authorizing the Acquisition of Real Property and Easements from PHA Stores, Inc using PPRTA funds for the PSFB North Gate Access and Safety Improvements Project
Ryan Phipps, P.E., Engineering Program Manager/Capital Projects
Kellie Billingsley, Real Estate Services Manager
The acquisition proposal would authorize the City of Colorado Springs' ("City") Real Estate Services Manager and Public Works Director to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with PHA Stores, Inc. (the "Property Owner") to acquire real property, a permanent easement, and a temporary construction easement (the "Property") in connection with the PSFB North Gate Access and Safety Improvements Project.
The City of Colorado Springs is the lead agency coordinating the delivery of the Peterson Space Force Base (PSFB) North Gate Access and Safety Improvements Project ("Project"). The Project will replace the signalized intersections at the US Highway 24 and Peterson Road interchange with roundabouts. In addition, the project will install a storm drain network to improve drainage at the interchange, modify the slope paving beneath the bridge to accommodate a multi-use trail, and install multi-modal opportunities to include bike lanes and accessible pedestrian routes through the interchange. The goal of the Project is to provide a safer, more secure, and more efficient transition to the North Gate of Peterson SFB and the surrounding community.
The City led a 'Working Group' of agencies and stakeholders to coordinate the Project. The Working Group consists of CDOT, PSFB, El Paso County, CSU and Cherokee Metro District and others. In addition to local and regional participation in the Project, the City collaborated with both Colorado Senators' offices to secure funding from Congress to complete the engineering phase of the Project. In addition, the City recently applied for and was awarded a grant for construction funding from the D...
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