Resolution Endorsing Extension of the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority Capital Program
Gayle Sturdivant, P.E., City Engineer/Deputy Public Works Director, Public Works Department
Todd Frisbie, P.E., P.T.O.E, City Traffic Engineer, Public Works Department
Tim Roberts, Transportation Planning Program Manager, Public Works Department
The Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) Board of Directors (Board) has prepared a ballot question for the November 8, 2022, election to extend the fifty-five percent of the one-cent sales tax for transportation capital improvements for a period of ten (10) years. The ballot language includes both A-list and B-list priority projects. Funds under this extension can only be applied to the projects identified in the ballot. Funds are applied to projects on the A-list first. Once all A-list projects are funded, remaining funds can be applied to B-list projects.
The City went through an extensive public engagement process, collaborated with the City's Citizen Transportation Advisory Board (CTAB), and completed a technical evaluation before recommending projects to the PPRTA Board for inclusion on the ballot. The ballot includes 24 projects and 21 capital programs on the A-list for the City of Colorado Springs.
The City's projects include a wide variety of capital projects including reconstruction of bridges and streets, filling in transportation network gaps, signal upgrades, corridor improvements, sidewalk and trail construction, and transit enhancements. Five projects and two programs on the A-list are identified for regional collaboration, in which than one PPRTA member government may participate.
Staff is presenting the draft ballot language with the projects identified by all PPRTA member governments.
The PPRTA was initially approved by the voters in 2004. PPRTA funding consists of a one-cent sales tax and is divided into three funding areas: 35% for mainte...
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