Ordinance No. 16-65 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 3.81 acres located northwest of East Woodmen Road and Campus Drive from OC (Office Complex) to PBC (Planned Business Center).
Related File: CPC CP 16-00038
Katie Carleo, Principal Planner, Planning and Community Development
Applicant: Obering, Wurth and Associates
Owner: Ent Federal Credit Union
Location: Northwest of the East Woodmen Road and Campus Drive intersection.
This project includes concurrent applications for a zone change and concept plan for a 3.81 acre site located northwest of the East Woodmen Road and Campus Drive intersection. The applications propose to rezone the Ent Federal Credit Union subdivision from existing OC (Office Complex) to PBC (Planned Business Center) and establish an accompanying concept plan for office and restaurant development.
Previous Council Action:
On June 28, 2016, City Council approved this item on consent.
City Council last acted on this property with the annexation, and zoning for Woodmen Campus Addition in 1981.
The property is located northwest of the intersection of East Woodmen Road and Campus Drive. The site's southern boundary is created by Woodmen Road; however, the development will not have any access to Woodmen. A private drive extends south along the western property boundary to give access to the southern lot for development. Existing Lot 1 is currently a bank use.
This item supports the City's strategic plan to promote a development pattern that is characterized by a mix of commercial land uses to support the future creation of employment opportunities and maintain prospects for strengthening the Colorado Springs economy.
The project is also supported by the Infill Chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan, which encourages adaptive re-use of existing buildings. Uses such as restaurants are particularly desirable ...
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