Ordinance No. 16-51 amending Ordinance No. 15-86 (2016 Appropriation Ordinance) for a supplemental appropriation to the Pikes Peak - America's Mountain Fund in the amount of $150,000 for the Pikes Peak Summit Complex Project
Jack Glavan, Pikes Peak - America's Mountain Manager - Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department
The attached supplemental appropriation ordinance from the Pikes Peak - America's Mountain (PPAM) Division, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department, is to increase the revenue and expenditure appropriations by $150,000. The source of funds is a transfer from the LART Fund. The LART Fund has provided an additional allocation of $150,000 for the Summit Complex project.
Previous Council Action:
Pikes Peak - America's Mountain is an enterprise operation of the City of Colorado Springs. PPAM operates the Pikes Peak Highway under a Term Special Use Permit issued by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS). Included in the operation are the associated visitor facilities including the Summit House, Glen Cove Inn and Crystal Reservoir Gift Shop, and the Pikes Peak Recreational Corridor for activities such as hiking, picnic grounds, and interpretive trails. Revenue is primarily generated from gateway entry fees and concessionaire fees. These fees provide visitor and Ranger services, highway maintenance and construction, facility maintenance and construction, interpretive and educational services.
The current summit house was built in the 1960's and hosts more than 600,000 visitors annually. There are three additional support facilities on the summit of Pikes Peak including a utility building (Plant) to support the summit house, a communications building operated by the Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) and a building operated by the United States Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM). All buildings have exceeded their useful life and need to be repl...
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