Banning Lewis Ranch Village Three Concept Plan illustrating single-family residential development of 284 acres located southwest of the Dublin Boulevard and Banning Lewis Ranch Parkway intersection
Related Files: CPC MP 87-00381-A16JM17, CPC PUZ 17-00047, CPC V 17-00049
Hannah Van Nimwegen, Planner II, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director
Applicant: LAI Design Group
Owner: MREC Oakwood COLO Investments, LLC
Location: Southwest of the Dublin Boulevard and Banning Lewis Ranch Parkway intersection
This project includes concurrent applications for a major amendment to the Banning Lewis Ranch Master Plan, zone change, concept plan, and right-of-way vacation encompassing roughly 284 acres generally located southwest of the future Dublin Boulevard and Banning Lewis Ranch Parkway intersection. Banning Lewis Ranch Village Three is proposing single-family residential at a density range of 3.5 to 7.99 dwelling units per acre with a trail connection and a 3.5 acre neighborhood park.
Previous Council Action:
In 1988, the City Council voted to annex the 20,000 acre parcel called Banning Lewis Ranch. Also in 1988, the City Council approved to zone this section of Banning Lewis Ranch to the multiple zone districts which exist today. No further actions have occurred in the area of the subject applications.
Banning Lewis Ranch Village Three is planned as the next development in the Banning Lewis Ranch neighborhood. Villages One and Two, located to the north and west, are nearly built out. This proposal would establish zoning and density for Village Three, a conceptual plan for 284 acres, and proposes to vacate existing right-of-way within the development.
The subject property contains multiple master plan designations including Residential-High, Residential-Medium, Residential-Low, Neighborhood Retail, Elementary School, and Park. The subje...
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