Ordinance No. 21-113 annexing to the City of Colorado Springs that area known as Park Vista Addition No. 9 Annexation consisting of 1.29-acres located southeast of Hopeful Drive and Siferd Boulevard
Related Files: CPC A 20-00102R, CPC A 20-00102, CPC ZC 21-00016
Katie Carleo, Land Use Planning Manager, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development Director
Applicant: Land Development Consultants, David Hostetler
Owner/Developer: Lighthouse Baptist Church, Nathan Scholz
Location: 4397, 4391, 4383, 4373, 4365, 4359, 4351 Siferd Blvd.
This project includes concurrent applications for annexation and establishment of zoning for the associated 1.29-acres located southeast of Hopeful Drive and Siferd Boulevard. The proposed zoning will establish an R1-6000 (Residential) zone district with the overall annexation to allow for future development of the property.
The proposed annexation is located within the Park Vista enclave, east of North Academy Boulevard and south of Austin Bluffs Parkway. This enclave has seen several annexations over the past ten years reducing the enclave and establishing surrounding residential development. The lots in this area that have previously been annexed have served as an appropriate transition to adjacent City zoned single-family residential as the density is comparable to what is permitted through El Paso County zoning. The lots have been annexed on a voluntary annexation basis by property owners wishing to establish development within the City and thus receiving City services. The subject site gains access from both Siferd Boulevard and Hopeful Drive as part of the overall residential road circulation within the Park Vista area. This is a very active area of annexation, and the City will most likely see the elimination of this enclave in coming years.
Landowners seeking voluntary annexation must petition the munici...
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