Minor Amendment to the Ivywild Master Plan to add multiple properties between E. Ramona Ave. and E. St. Elmo Ave. to the area recognized as part of the Creekwalk Commercial project.
Related Files: CPC ZC 21-00112, CPC V 21-00113, and CPC CP 18-00097-A2MJ21
Ryan Tefertiller, Planning Manager, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development
Owner: Creekwalk North LLC
Developer: Creekwalk North LLC
Representative: Kimley-Horn
Location: West side of S. Nevada Ave. between E. Cheyenne Rd. and E. Ramona Ave.
This project includes concurrent applications for a minor amendment to the Ivywild Master Plan, a Zone Change to establish the C5 (Intermediate Business) zone over the entirety of the site, a Right-of-Way vacation for Creekwalk Court and Metzler Ave., and a major amendment to the Creekwalk Redevelopment Concept Plan. The applications have been submitted to allow for a modest expansion to the previously approved Creekwalk Commercial redevelopment project, the largest redevelopment project to date within the South Nevada Urban Renewal Area.
The proposed project area totals just under 15 acres of land on the west side of S. Nevada Ave. north of E. Cheyenne Rd. The site falls within the South Nevada Urban Renewal Area which was established in 2015 with the goal to "reduce, eliminate and prevent the spread of blight and to stimulate and catalyze growth and investment within the area boundaries" (Section 3.0 - Plan Purpose; 2015 South Nevada Urban Renewal Plan). The southern half of the subject property is currently under construction for roughly 55,000 square feet of commercial use. Referred to as Creekwalk South, and spanning from Cheyenne Rd. to St. Elmo, the southern portion of the concept plan is nearing completion and will provide a major stimulus to the South Nevada corridor.
The four proposed applications were submitted to expand and...
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