North Fork Townhomes PUD Development Plan which proposes construction of 70 townhome units on 7.8 acres located west of the intersection at Red Cavern Road and Crisp Air Drive.
Related File: CPC PUZ 18-00068
Matthew Bingman, DRE Permit Center Administrator, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Community Development
Consultant: Classic Consulting Engineers & Surveyors, LLC
Owners/Applicant: Elite Properties of America, LLC
Location: North Powers Blvd., south of the intersection of Red Cavern Road and Crisp Air Drive.
This project includes concurrent applications for a zone change from A (Agricultural) to PUD (Planned Unit Development - attached single-family residential (townhomes); 9.00 dwelling units per acre; 30-foot maximum building height) for a 7.8 acre site with an associated development plan for an intended townhome project (single-family attached).The project site is part of the larger Briargate Master Plan and will introduce 70 new attached single-family lots. The North Fork Townhomes PUD Development Plan illustrates the layout of the townhome site with associated landscaping, detention and access as seen in FIGURE 1 of the associated City Planning Commission Staff Report. Staff is also administratively reviewing a subdivision plat for this site.
Previous Council Action:
This proposal includes a rezoning request of a 7.8 acre property that is currently zoned A (Agricultural) and proposes a change to PUD (Planned Unit Development - attached single-family residential (townhomes); 9.00 dwelling units per acre; 30-foot maximum building height) in preparation for the implementation of an associated development plan for construction of a townhome project (single-family attached) containing 70 new lots each containing one dwelling unit per lot.
This site borders an existing portion of the North Powers Boulevard corridor and offers bufferi...
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