A Resolution Authorizing the Acquisition of Property Owned by Jerry Ann Daiss, Formerly Known as Jerry Ann O'Connor, to be Used for Southern Delivery System Project Improvements
Lyman Ho, SDS Land Acquisition Manager
Jerry Forte, P.E., CEO, Colorado Springs Utilities
Southern Delivery System ("SDS") staff requests permission on behalf of Colorado Springs Utilities to purchase and close on the acquisition of real property required for Phase II construction of the SDS project in El Paso County.
Previous Council Action:
Since September 8, 2009, City Council has passed a number of resolutions authorizing the purchase and closing of more than 200 property transactions for the SDS project.
On December 10, 2013, City Council approved Resolution No. 134-13 authorizing negotiations to acquire properties necessary for the SDS project, including that of Jerry Ann Daiss. Negotiations with the property owner were initiated to acquire parcels needed for the Upper Williams Creek Reservoir ("UWCR"). SDS obtained an appraisal and offered the owner the opportunity to obtain her own appraisal at the SDS project's expense. The property owner has declined to obtain a second appraisal and has accepted the appraised value as established and has executed a contract to sell the property contingent on City Council approval. The property is not currently being used for a residential purpose; however, a tenant does store personal property on site. The tenant is being offered relocation benefits pursuant to the Uniform Relocation and Assistance Policies ("Uniform Act") as required by the City of Colorado Springs Procedure Manual for the Acquisition and Disposition of Real Property Interests ("RES Manual"), the total cost of which is estimated not to exceed $10,000.00. A summary of compensation is attached to this memorandum. The property owner has agreed to accept this amount of compensation for the prope...
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