A resolution acknowledging acceptance of a donation of a 4.213-acre parcel near Cowpoke Road from David D. Jenkins to the City of Colorado Springs.
Jeff Dunn, City Water Resources Engineering Project Manager.
In connection with its obligation under the Intergovernmental Agreement ("IGA") between the City of Colorado Springs ("City") and Pueblo County, the City seeks to acquire a 4.213-acre parcel for the purpose of constructing a Regional Flood Control ("Pond PR-2") Stormwater Impoundment in Cottonwood Creek. The property owner, David D. Jenkins, has agreed to donate the 4.213 acres in-fee simple interest ("Property") to the City which is located along a portion of the most southerly boundary line of the owner's parcel of land (TSN 5200000406, 113.8 acres). Please see attached exhibit A, the legal description of the Property being donated.
Previous Council Action:
As part of the IGA, the City is required to complete defined stormwater projects. Pond PR-2 is one of several of the detailed flood control facilities located within the Cottonwood Creek drainage basin. The Property is required in order to construct the Pond PR-2 project and will provide storm water flood control for a six (6) square mile watershed which is approximately 85% developed. The Pond will impound storm water runoff to reduce discharge rates during a 100-year storm event.
The functionality of this facility requires that a significant portion of the pond be constructed on the Property in order to attenuate storm water runoff and mitigate further channel erosion. The existing channel contained within the property is incised with vertical embankments. The channel will be regraded and reconstructed with three grade control structures, channel bed widening and reduction of channel side slopes to reduce the erosive potential of stormwater runoff within the channel.
The Water Resources Engineering Division of the Public Works...
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