A resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as the Airport Spectrum Addition No. 1 Annexation.
Related Files: CPC A 17-00074, CPC A 17-00074R, CPC PUZ 17-00146, CPC PUP 17-00147
Catherine Carleo, Principal Planner, Planning and Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director
Applicant: Classic Consulting Engineers and Surveyors
Owners: Bert A Getz as Trustee of the Bert Atwater Gets Trust DTD
Location: Southwest corner of Powers Boulevard and Milton E Proby Parkway
This project includes concurrent applications for annexation of 78.95 acres into the City of Colorado Springs including an adjacent portion of Powers Boulevard; establishment of zoning for the associated 60.21 acre property and concept plan for an area of development located southwest of the intersection of Powers Boulevard and Milton E Proby Parkway. The proposed zoning will establish a PUD/SS/AO, Planned Unit Development (Community Commercial to allow permitted uses in the Planned Business Center and Office Commercial zone districts, maximum building height of 45-feet) with Streamside and Airport Overlay zone district. The associated concept plan illustrates the proposed land use configuration, access, intended roadway infrastructure, proposed open space and overall intent.
Previous Council Action:
On August 22, 2017, City Council accepted the original petition for annexation which authorized further processing of the annexation through the City Land Use Review process. A resolution setting the City Council hearing date of September 11, 2018 was heard and passed at the July 24, 2018 City Council agenda.
This annexation consists of 78.95 acres as a request to annex the property into the municipal limits of the City of Colorado Springs for community commercial development. This includes the annexation of...
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