A Resolution Approving the March 27, 2019, Update of the Airport Advisory Commission's Rules and Procedures.
John Maier, Chairman, Airport Advisory Commission
The attached Resolution amends the Airport Advisory Commission's ("Commission") Rules and Procedures by updating them to address the current needs of the Commission and incorporate amendments made to City Code Section 1.2.901, et seq.
Previous Council Action:
In 2015, by Resolution 48-15, City Council approved a Resolution updating the Commission's Rules and Procedures.
On October 23, 2018, City Council amended City Code Section 1.2.901, et seq., which generally governs the appointment of Boards and Commissions. These amendments created the need to revise the Commission's Rules and Procedures to remove conflicts in the provisions between the City Code and the Rules and Procedures. Additionally, the Commission has been operating under outdated rules and procedures which hinders the Commission's ability to perform its duties.
After consultation with the Airport's Director of Aviation and the City Attorney's Office, the Commission has developed an updated set of Rules and Procedures.
This item supports the City's strategic goal relating to building community and collaborative relationships and excelling at City services. The Commission is a volunteer citizen group with special industry knowledge and, therefore, the amendments to the Rules and Procedures will continue to build the community and position the Commission to excel at its designated City services.
Financial Implications:
Board/Commission Recommendation:
The Commission and Airport staff recommend approval of the attached Resolution and amended Rules and Procedures.
Stakeholder Process:
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
City Council moves to amend the Commission's Rules and Procedures as provide in the attached Resolution entitled "A ...
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