A Resolution Declaring the Fourth Amended and Restated Intergovernmental Agreement Regarding the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority to Comply with the Adequate Representation Requirements of Resolution 97-21
Gayle Sturdivant, City Engineer/Deputy Public Works Director
Randy Helms, Councilor, Chair PPRTA Board of Directors
Wayne Williams, Councilor, PPRTA Board of Directors
The Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) Board is asking for a resolution form the City Council declaring that the Fourth Amended and Restated Intergovernmental Agreement regarding the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority outlining the weighted voting provisions complies with City Council's consent to the Town of Calhan becoming a member of the PPRTA, conditioned upon adequate representation of the City on the Board of Directors in Resolution 97-21.
In April 2021, the PPRTA Board asked City Council to approve of adding the Town of Calhan (Town) to the PPRTA boundary. In Resolution 97-21, City Council approved adding the Town "upon condition of adequate representation of the City of Colorado Springs on the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority Board of Directors." PPRTA Board Members from other member governments placed similar conditions on their approval.
To address conditions placed on the approval of adding the Town, the PPRTA Board, with assistance from their legal counsel, proposed an amendment to the Establishing IGA which formulates a weighted vote calculation to become effective as of January 1, 2022. A total of nine votes remain for the Board and the formulation preserves one-third of the votes for the City of Colorado Springs (3 votes), one-third of the votes for El Paso County (3 votes), and divides the remaining third (3 votes) by the remaining member governments. As new member governments are added, the remaining third are divided by the total number of remaining member governments.
City C...
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