A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado, El Paso County, Colorado and the Colorado Department of Transportation for a Comprehensive Roadway Access Control Plan for SH 83
Gayle Sturdivant, PE, PMP, Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer
Todd Frisbie, PE, PTOE, City Traffic Engineer, Public Works
Under this agreement, it will be the city's responsibility to ensure that vehicle access to SH 83 within the city's jurisdictional boundaries will be in conformance with the SH 83 Access Plan.
In 2020, the Colorado Department of Transportation began the process to develop a comprehensive access plan for SH 83 between the southbound CO 21 ramp (M.P. 20.4) and County Line Road (M.P. 30.2). The purpose in developing an Access Control Plan is to identify and define all existing accesses and to work with local jurisdictions and adjacent landowners to determine the future configuration of the access and the condition(s) for change. This future access configuration is in essence the Access Control Plan and defines allowable SH 83 access so that landowners and developers are aware of allowable access configurations as they prepare development applications for adjacent properties.
The coordinated regulation of vehicle access between CDOT, the City and the County for this segment of SH 83 has many benefits. These benefits include efficient and smooth traffic flow, potential reduction in accidents, efficient spacing of traffic signals, and the accommodation of all modes of travel. The Access Control Plan can be amended as needed if certain conditions described in the IGA occur.
This Access Control Plan will not impact the existing SH 83 access points within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Colorado Springs. The access points to SH 83 within the city include the access opposite the CDOT maintenance facility, Flying Horse Club Drive, North Gate ...
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