Ordinance No. 18-81 amending section 205 (Additional Standards for Specific Land Uses) of Part 2 (Commercial Districts) of Article 3 (Land Use Zoning Districts) of Chapter 7 (Planning, Development and Building) of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs 2001, as amended, pertaining to the location of medical marijuana centers
Mattie Albert Gullixson, Senior Regulatory Compliance Analyst
The proposed ordinance is an amendment to Chapter 7 ("Zoning Code") of City Code to institute a one thousand foot (1,000') buffer between medical marijuana centers, to be measured from the nearest portion of the building used for the medical marijuana center to the nearest property line of another medical marijuana center using a route of direct pedestrian access. Existing medical marijuana center locations that are within one thousand feet (1,000') of another center will be considered legal-nonconforming uses pursuant to City Code section 7.5.1201, et seq. The ordinance change will only apply to medical marijuana center change of location requests, as City Code ?2.2.104(D) already prohibits any new medical marijuana centers. While there already has been saturation of medical marijuana centers in specific areas, buffers between medical marijuana centers will serve to limit any further saturation and alleviate some existing issues as licenses or locations are surrendered.
Previous Council Action:
In 2016, City Council approved Ordinance 16-54, increasing a four hundred foot (400') buffer from "any public or private elementary, middle, junior high or high school, or a residential childcare facility or a drug or alcohol treatment facility" to one thousand feet (1,000'). The distance was determined to be measured from the nearest portion of the building used for the medical marijuana center to the nearest property line of the school, residential childcare facility or drug or alcohol treatment facility using a route of direct pedestrian ...
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