A development plan for Fountain Self-Storage illustrating a mini-warehouse facility on 4.77 acres located southwest of East Fountain Boulevard and Alvarado Drive.
Related Files: CPC ZC 18-00083, and CPC DP 18-00084
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Community Development
Rachel Teixeira, Planner II, Planning and Community Development
Owner: Valk Properties IV LLC
Representative: Jehn Engineering
Location: 3455 East Fountain Boulevard
This project includes concurrent applications for a zone change of 4.77 acres from OC/PBC/cr/AO (Office Complex and Planned Business Center with conditions of record and Airport Overlay) to PBC/AO (Planned Business Center with Airport Overlay), and a development plan to allow the construction of a self-storage facility, including a three-story structure and mini-warehouses with all appropriate site-specific water quality, access and landscaping per City Code.
Council will note that the recommendation for approval is subject to conditions and technical plan modifications. These conditions and technical modifications will be confirmed before final approval of plans by staff (stamping of the plans as "approved").
The subject property is located southwest of East Fountain Boulevard and Alvarado Drive, was annexed into the City in 1964, and platted in 1973. The site has remained vacant since annexation.
The property consists of two zones; the northern area adjacent to East Fountain Boulevard is OC and the southern area adjacent to Alvarado Drive is PBC. The proposal is to rezone the entre 4.77 acres to a new PBC (Planned Business Center) zone in order to consolidate the property into one zoning classification and one zoning ordinance removing the existing condition of record that is no longer applicable.
In 1981, the site was rezoned with the OC/cr and PBC/cr zone district classification. The condition of record that was attached with the tw...
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