A PUD Concept Plan for 2424 Garden of the Gods establishing a mixed use development pattern for 125.34 acres, located west of the North 30th Street and Garden of the Gods Road.
Related Files: CPC MP 06-00065-A1MJ20, CPC PUZ 20-00176
Katelynn Wintz, Senior Planner, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development
Owner: 2424 GOTG, LLC
Developer: 2424 GOTG, LLC
Representative: NES, INC
Location: 2424 Garden of the Gods Road
The project includes concurrent applications for a major master plan amendment, PUD zone change and PUD concept plan for 125.34 acres of land located west of North 30th Street and Garden of the Gods Road. The major master plan amendment proposes a change to the land use designation from Office Industrial Park (OIP) to a mix of new uses including Open Space, Office, Public Institution, Residential and Community & Neighborhood Commercial. The zone change request proposes to change the project area from PIP1/A/PUD/HS (General Industrial, Agricultural, and Planned Unit Development with Hillside Overlay) to PUD/HS (Planned Unit Development: Commercial and Residential uses, Maximum Building Height 45-feet, 15 - 16.99 dwelling units per acre and 950,000 maximum non-residential square footage, Hillside Overlay). The concurrent PUD concept plan illustrates the envisioned mixed-use development of office, commercial, residential uses and 55 acres of open space.
Master Plan
The proposed Major Master Plan Amendment requests to modify the Office Industrial Park (OIP) land use classification to a mix of land use designations including Open Space, Office, Public Institution, Residential and Community & Neighborhood Commercial land uses for the 125 acres of land associated with the 2424 Garden of the Gods project. Master Plans are generalized guides for development and, as noted in City Code Section 7.5.403.C, at times it may become ...
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