The Briargate Crossing East Filing No. 6 Concept Plan establishing a mixed commercial, retail and office center located northwest of the intersection of Briargate Parkway and Grand Cordera Parkway.
Related files: CPC ZC 20-00017, CPC CP 20-00018
Katie Carleo, Principal Planner, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Community Development
Developer: LA PLATA/ Various
Representative: MATRIX DESIGN GROUP, Jaxon Alwine
Location: Northwest of the intersection of Briargate Parkway and Grand Cordera Parkway
This project includes concurrent applications for a zone change from A (Agricultural) to PBC (Planned Business Center) for a 14.92-acre site with an associated concept plan for a commercial center development. The project site is part of the larger Briargate Master Plan. The Briargate Crossing East No. 6 Concept Plan illustrates the layout of the proposed future commercial lots with associated infrastructure and access.
This proposal includes the rezoning of 14.92 acres from A (Agricultural) to PBC (Planned Business Center) in preparation for future commercial center development to include commercial, retail and offices uses. Per City Code Section 7.3.202, the Planned Business Center zone district allows for this type of mixed commercial and office development. The establishment of this PBC zone district is contiguous to surrounding zoning of the same classification and is an appropriate commercial zone as a transition from residential to commercial. The district is suitable along a large roadway such as Powers Boulevard, which is just west of the site.
This site was initially zoned Agricultural with the original annexation of the Briargate Addition No. 5 Annexation in September 1982. As part of the Briargate Master Plan established in 2007, this site was designated Office/Industrial, which allo...
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