A concept plan for Allaso Briargate illustrating the development framework for 10.4-acres for multi-family residential located at 2505 Dynamic Drive.
This item will be heard at 1:00 PM.
Related Files: CPC ZC 22-00008
Katelynn Wintz, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development
Owner: Echo Briargate, LLC & 2013 Prime Center, LLLP by: GBR Properties
Developer: Titan Property Management, LLC
Representative: NES, Inc. - Andrea Barlow
Location: 2505 Dynamic Drive. Generally located southeast of Chapel Hills Drive and Dynamic Drive.
The project includes concurrent applications for a zone change and concept plan on 10.4-acres for Allaso at Briargate (the project). The proposed is a zone change from PIP1/cr (Planned Industrial Park with conditions of record) to OC/cr (Office Complex with conditions of record) where multifamily development is a permitted use. The concurrent concept plan illustrates the proposed site layout with some modifications submitted for review after the Planning Commission meeting to address additional neighborhood concerns.
This project site is currently zoned PIP1/cr (General Industrial with conditions of record). The conditions of record established with the initial zoning included the following: 1. A 100-foot landscape/open space buffer area will extend along the entire east property line. This buffer area shall not allow development (i.e., parking, buildings etc.), 2. One tree per 10-feet is required within the 100-foot buffer. One third of the required trees will be evergreen. Tree sizes within the 100-foot buffer area shall be a minimum of 8-feet high for evergreens and two-and-a-half-inch caliper for deciduous trees, 3. A grading plan shall be reviewed and approved with the coordination of the city planning and city engineering. Adjacent neighbors shall be notified of grading plan review, an...
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