Ordinance No. 18-33 adopting a Major Master Plan amendment to the Intermodal Transportation Plan by approving and incorporating BikeCOS! A Citywide Bicycle Master Plan
Kathleen Krager, Transportation Manager
Kate Brady, Senior Bicycle Planner
BikeCOS! is a citywide bike master plan is intended to replace Section 8: The Bicycle Element of the 2001 Intermodal Transportation Plan and serve as the bicycle section of the anticipated upcoming Transportation Master Plan (scheduled to begin in 2019). BikeCOS! identifies key opportunities to significantly improve and expand the City's existing bicycle network, support facilities, policies and programs, and to increase bicycling among people of all ages and abilities (with emphasis on the "interested but concerned" populations). This plan focuses on on-street bicycling and connections to the trail network as identified in the Parks System Master Plan, and is particularly concerned about encouraging bicycling for transportation purposes.
Previous Council Action:
This ordinance was approved on first reading at their April 9, 2018 meeting with an amendment to add "Changes to corridors identified in the Bicycle Vision Network remain subject to the City's processes for public education and involvement " to the BikeCOS! master plan. The amended ordinance was approved by a vote of 9-0-0.
The City released the RFP for a new citywide bicycle master plan in December, 2015. The previous bike master plan was completed in 1996, and much had changed in the following 20 years. The purpose of developing a new master plan was to have an up to date working document that would direct the responsible allocation of the City's resources; build on recent related efforts, such as the PPACG Regional Nonmotorized Plan, the Experience Downtown Colorado Springs Plan of Development and Master Plan, and the City of Colorado Springs Park System Master Plan; identify key opportunities to s...
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