A Resolution Authorizing the Acquisition of a Permanent Easement on Property Located at 2660 Astrozon Boulevard to be Used for the Kelker to South Plant Transmission Project
Jessica Davis, Land Resource Manager, Colorado Springs Utilities
Travas Deal, Chief Executive Officer, Colorado Springs Utilities
Colorado Springs Utilities ("Utilities") requests that City Council approve a resolution that will allow Utilities to purchase an easement on the property located at 2660 Astrozon Boulevard ("Property") for the Kelker to South Plant Transmission Project.
On June 26, 2020, the Utilities Board approved the new Electric and Gas Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs). The IRPs commit Utilities to a new energy future that is cost-effective, resilient and environmentally sustainable. Aligned with our Energy Vision, the IRPs achieve an 80% carbon reduction by 2030 and decommission all Utilities coal generation by 2030, including the downtown Martin Drake Power Plant no later than 2023. The IRPs call for grid modernization, integration of more cost-effective renewable energy and incorporation of new technologies like energy storage.
The Kelker to South Plant Transmission Project ("Project") will provide a new overhead single circuit 115kV transmission line from Kelker Substation to South Plant Substation. This added transmission infrastructure is needed to support the decommissioning of Martin Drake Power Plant. The Project is approximately 5 miles long and staff has been working with 19 private property owners, Colorado Department of Transposition, Union Pacific and BNSF Railroads, and City departments to acquire the property rights needed for the Project.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Colorado Springs City Charter, the City is empowered to acquire real property necessary for Utilities' projects. Section 9.6 of The City of Colorado Springs Procedure Manual for the Acquisition and Disposition of Real Property I...
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