A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Fort Lyon Canal Company Stock Owned by Caleb Wertz for Colorado Springs Utilities and Authorizing the Filing of Water Court Applications for Changes of Water Rights and Appropriative Rights of Exchange
Abby Ortega, Water Resources Management Manager, Colorado Springs Utilities
Michael Gustafson, Senior Attorney, Utilities Division, City of Colorado Springs
Aram Benyamin, Chief Executive Officer, Colorado Springs Utilities
Colorado Springs Utilities ("Springs Utilities") has entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement ("PSA") to acquire ownership of 100 shares in the Fort Lyon Canal Company ('FLCC") which will yield an average of 100 acre-feet per year of new water supply and a contractual interest in another 208 shares in FLCC that will provide an additional yield of 208 acre-feet in three out of every ten years through a partnership with a Lower Arkansas Valley farmer. Springs Utilities will also acquire easements, obtain real property covenants, and enter into agreements necessary for Springs Utilities to use the water derived from the shares. The total cost for this acquisition is $1,055,600. The acquisition and subsequent Water Court applications necessary to use the water derived from the shares require City Council approval. Springs Utilities requests that City Council approve the attached resolution authorizing the acquisition and filing of Water Court applications necessary to use the water associated with the FLCC Shares to City Council at its January 11, 2022 meeting.
Springs Utilities has entered into a PSA with Caleb Wertz under which it may acquire: (i) 100 FLCC shares; (ii) easements that allow Springs Utilities to construct, operate, and maintain water augmentation and return flow facilities on Mr. Wertz' farm; (iii) the ability to use water derived from an additional 208 FLCC shares three out of every ten years; and (iv) real property covenants r...
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