Ordinance No. 22-52 amending Ordinance No. 21-112 (2022 Budget Appropriation Ordinance) for a Supplemental Appropriation to the General Fund in the amount of $2,700,000 for establishing the Keep It Clean COS program which will proactively aim to reduce litter and improve the appearance of public rights-of-way
Charae McDaniel, Chief Financial Officer
Travis Easton, P.E., Director of Public Works
The Keep It Clean COS program is a comprehensive initiative aimed at reducing litter and improving the appearance of our city. Keep it Clean COS will address litter on public medians, priority corridors, arterials/collectors and residential rights-of-way.
The attached ordinance is a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund in the amount of $2,700,000 for additional positions and resources needed to implement the Keep It Clean COS program.
The main focus of this program will be on medians. These frequently collect trash and require continual maintenance to remove vegetation. There are currently over 8.4 million square feet (SF) of medians with curb and gutter stretching over 243 miles within the City.
Priority corridors will be chosen based on several factors including areas with high volume of calls for service for accumulation of trash and debris, areas that are in proximity to waterways, areas that influence initial impressions of the City, and roadways with medians.
Arterials and collectors are similar to the priority corridors but they are separated out in order to minimize costs with a less frequent maintenance schedule of once per year.
Residential roadways experience less accumulation of trash and debris, as property owners typically pick up trash on or near their property. It is anticipated that the maintenance required by the City will be limited to street sweeping.
Previous Council Action:
On December 14, 2021, City Council approved the original 2022 Budget per Ordinance No. 21-112.
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