Ordinance No. 23-48 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 28.9 acres located at the southeast corner of West Fillmore Street and Centennial Boulevard from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to MX-L/WUI-O (Mixed-Use Large Scale with Wildland Urban Interface Overlay).
Tamara Baxter, Senior Planner, Planning and Community Development Department
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Community Development Department
Owner: Mesa Land 1031 LLC & Colorado Springs VA LLC
Developer: Mesa Land 1031 LLC
Representative: N.E.S. Inc.
Location: Southeast corner of West Fillmore Street and Centennial Boulevard
The project includes concurrent applications for a zone change and a land use plan. The rezone will be from PUD (Planned Unit Development ) to MX-L/WUI-O (Mixed-Use Large Scale with Wildland Urban Interface Overlay). The Land Use Plan would allow for the following use types: religious institution, office/medical office, multi-family residential, and private open space.
The PUD Zone Plan was approved by the city on June 16, 2015. This PUD Zone Plan encompasses 83.07 acres. On this plan, the subject area was identified for office building zones, medical office building zone, and open space with a maximum height of 45 feet. In accordance with the UDC, the proposed Land Use Plan with supersede the Hill Properties Amended Master Plan and Mesa Springs Community Plan. Nonetheless, the proposed uses are consistent with both the master and community plans which did identify the area for High-Rise Office.
The subject application(s) were submitted prior to the implementation date (06/05/2023) of the ReTool project, and as such, the applicant is permitted to elect which Code they prefer their application(s) to be reviewed under. The subject application(s) were chosen to be reviewed under the Unified Development Code per the applicant's instructions. All subseque...
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