Northern Monument Creek Interceptor Construction Services Cost Sharing Agreement
Travas Deal, Chief Executive Officer, Colorado Springs Utilities
An Agreement among City of Colorado Springs, acting through its enterprise Colorado Springs Utilities, Triview Metropolitan District and Forest Lakes Metropolitan District to define the cost sharing for the construction of Northern Monument Creek Interceptor
The Northern Monument Creek Interceptor project is a wastewater pipeline connecting the Upper Monument Wastewater Treatment Facility to the JD Phillips Water Reclamation Facility. Colorado Springs is partnering with Triview and Forest Lakes Metropolitan Districts and has completed the 30 percent design. In order to move forward with next phase of design and in preparation for construction City Council will be asked to approve the Resolution authorizing the CEO to sign the Construction Cost Sharing Intergovernmental Agreement.
Previous Council Action:
Financial Implications:
Total construction cost estimated $88 Million, Utilities share is about 64%
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
Utilities Board recommends approval of the Resolution
Stakeholder Process:
Inclusion of partner entities and affected parties through NEPA process
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Approval of Resolution authorizing CEO to sign the Construction Cost Sharing Intergovernmental Agreement
Summary of Ordinance Language