A Master Plan for the Amara Annexation establishing commercial, industrial, civic, single-family residential, multi-family residential, parks and open space land uses. The Amara Annexation is generally located near the northeast corner of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road, south of Bradley Road, and consists of 3172.796 acres.
Katie Carleo, Acting Assistant Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services
Kevin Walker, Interim Director of Planning + Neighborhood Services
Owner: Tee Cross Ranches LLC
Developer: La Plata Cruz Holdings LLC
Representative: La Plata Communities
Location: Northeast of Squirrel Creek Road and Link Road, and south of Bradley Road.
The proposed project includes concurrent applications for the Amara Annexation of approximately 3,200 acres (Annexation Addition No. 1-23), establishment of the A (Agricultural) zoning district, and establishment of the Amara Master Plan.
Please see the attached City Planning Commission Staff Report for a complete analysis of the proposed application(s).
Review Criteria:
City Code Section 7.5.408
Master plans and major and minor amendments approved master plans shall be reviewed for substantial conformance with the criteria listed below. Minor amendments are not subject to review criteria in subsection F of this section.
A. The Comprehensive Plan is the context and benchmark for the assessment of individual land use master plans. The proposed land use master plan or the amendment conforms to the policies and strategies of the Comprehensive Plan.
B. Land Use Relationships:
1. The master plan promotes a development pattern characterizing a mix of mutually supportive and integrated residential and nonresidential land uses with a network of interconnected streets and good pedestrian and bicycle connections.
2. Activity Centers are designed so they are compatible with, accessible from and serve as a benefit to the surrounding neighborhood or ...
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