A PUD concept plan for 46.754 acres located at the southwest corner of W Fillmore St and Centennial Blvd for a multi-family development.
Related Files: CPC MPA 04-00043-A9MJ22, CPC PUZ 22-00052
Caleb Jackson, AICP, Senior Planner, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development
Owner: Camel Rock Holdings LLC, Don Hare
Representative: NES, Andrea Barlow
Location: Southwest corner of W Fillmore Street at Centennial Boulevard
The master plan amendment revises the designation on the northern part of the property from Community Commercial and Office to Residential (12-16.99 du/ac). The proposed zone change would remove the existing PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development: Commercial with Streamside Overlay) and OC (Office Commercial) zoning to bring the entire site under one zoning designation, PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development: Residential, maximum density of 8 du/ac, maximum height of 55', with Streamside Overlay). The proposed PUD concept plan illustrates the intended multi-family development of the site.
The application includes a major amendment to the Hill Properties Master Plan to change 17 acres from Community Commercial and 5 acres from Office to 22 acres of Residential (12-16.99 du/ac), a zone change of 35.65 acres zoned PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development: Commercial with Streamside Overlay) and 11.18 acres zoned OC (Office Complex) to PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development: Residential, maximum density of 8 du/ac, maximum height of 55', with Streamside Overlay), and a PUD Concept Plan for 46.83 acres for a multi-family development. The site is undeveloped and features typical dryland vegetation on most of the site and more riparian vegetation in spots along Mesa Creek which flows through some of the western portions of the site. The northern area of the site generally slopes from the northeast to the south and west with significant slopes approachin...
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