Ordinance No. 18-70 creating section 111 (Camping Within Public Stream/Public Stream Riparian Zone Prohibited) of Part 1 (General Offenses) of Article 6 (Offenses Affecting Property) of Chapter 9 (Public Offenses) of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs 2001, as amended, pertaining to camping within public stream riparian zones, and providing penalties for the violation thereof
Tom Strand, Councilmember At-Large
Richard Mulledy, City Water Resources Engineering Manager
The City of Colorado Springs has experienced an increase in camping upon property adjacent to waterways within the City limits. There exists a significant concern regarding the potential for sudden flooding that threatens the safety and wellbeing of individuals camping within these areas. Additionally, based on observation of City staff and information provided by the United States Geological Survey and the Colorado Department of Health and the Environment's Water Quality Control Commission, there are potential impacts to water quality within the City limits due to these unauthorized encampments. City staff wishes to address the situation with an ordinance making it unlawful for unauthorized persons to camp within a stream, streambank or a stream riparian zone that extends one hundred feet (100') away from the edge of the streambank.
Previous Council Action:
Throughout 2017 and 2018, as in past years, the City of Colorado Springs has experienced a proliferation of unauthorized camping within riparian zones abutting and adjacent to public streams throughout the City.
City staff desires to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Colorado Springs through adoption of an ordinance prohibiting any person to camp, as defined by section 9.6.110 of the City Code, within any public stream and/or public stream riparian zone, unless authorized by the appropriate governmental authority. For the purposes of the ordinance, ...
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