Ordinance No. 17-97 adopting the South Nevada Urban Renewal Area Streetscape Standards (Legislative)
Ryan Tefertiller, Urban Planning Manager, Planning and Community Development Department
Jariah Walker, Executive Director, Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority
The South Nevada Urban Renewal Area Streetscape Standards articulate the required redevelopment standards that are specific to the South Nevada Urban Renewal Area. While the focus is on the S. Nevada Ave and Cheyenne Rd. frontages, the standards cover a wide range of issues throughout the District. The overall intent of the Standards is to provide predictability and consistent high-quality design along the corridor as properties redevelop.
Previous Council Action:
No previous City Council action on streetscape standards in the District. City Council created the South Nevada Urban Renewal Area and approved the urban renewal plan via Resolution No. 120-15 on November 24, 2015.
On September 25, 2017, this item was introduced at the City Council Work Session.
On October 10, 2017, this ordinance was approved on first reading with a vote of 9:0:0.
Urban Renewal is largely about curing blight and economic development. However, recent efforts have brought to light the value of creating and empowering design standards and guidelines that can articulate the need for consistent design elements including landscape, hardscape, access control, site design, signage, and other similar issues. Developing standards that address many of these issues can help create a sense of place and ensure that future development, especially when redevelopment is initiated by multiple developers, is complementary and helps improve the overall success of the district. Without coordinated design elements, blight may still be removed, but the development that replaces it may not reach its full potential.
In order for the proposed standards to be effective, they need to ...
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