A Concept Plan identifying one existing commercial building and potential future commercial development located at 1213 and 1215 East Fillmore Street.
Related File: CPC CP 17-00092
Michael McConnell, Planner II, Land Use Review Department
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director
Applicant: Richard Whaley
Owner: Richard Whaley
Location: 1213 & 1215 East Fillmore Street
The project includes concurrent applications for a zone change to C5 (Intermediate Business) and a concept plan illustrating current site conditions along with a building envelope for future development on the 1213 East Fillmore Street lot. No site changes or development is proposed with this concept plan. A development plan will be required when any new use is proposed for either lot. Both sites total .414 acres (or 18,019 square feet) and are located on the south side of East Fillmore Street between North Hancock Avenue and Illinois Avenue; a north-south public alley runs between the two properties.
Previous Council Action:
In order to make the properties more in character with the commercial nature of the East Fillmore Street corridor the owner is seeking to rezone both properties to identical zone districts (C5). The properties would remain in their current condition until a new use or user is proposed, at which time a development plan will be required and certain public improvements made. The subject property is surrounded by both commercial C-5 (Intermediate Business) and residential R1-6 (Single Family Residential), R-2 (Two Family Residential) uses and is part of the East Fillmore Street corridor which comprises mainly commercial and industrial land uses.
By rezoning these two properties the corridor will become more contiguous and uniform in the zoning designations as seen above and enable the future property owners to develop this site in the style and context of the corridor....
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