Ordinance No. 19-3 Amending Multiple Sections under Chapter 7 (Planning, Development and Building) of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs 2001, as Amended, Pertaining to the City's Comprehensive Plan
(Legislative Item)
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Development Director
Carl Schueler, Comprehensive Planning Manager, Planning & Development Department
This ordinance will amend the City Code in order to support adoption of PlanCOS as the new Comprehensive Plan for the City of Colorado Springs. Among other amendments, this Code change will delete references to the 2020 Land Use Map.
This item was introduced at a City Council Work Session on November 26, 2018, and was also available on the agenda for discussion as part of December 10, 2018 and January 7 Council Work Sessions.
Previous Council Action:
N/A- refer to the prior agenda item
Refer to the prior agenda item which is an ordinance adopting PlanCOS as the Comprehensive Plan for the City. This ordinance will make conforming changes to City Code.
Financial Implications:
Board/Commission Recommendation:
At their November 15, 2018 hearing the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this ordinance. Their formal record of decision will be provided with the agenda materials for the December 10, 2018 City Council Work Session on this item.
Stakeholder Process:
N/A - refer to the prior agenda item for a full description of the stakeholder process that resulted in the creation of PlanCOS. The Comprehensive Plan Executive Steering Committee and its associated Practitioner's Working Group were informed and aware of implications associated with deletion of the 2001- 2020 Land Use Map, as amended - or a similar land use map, as an ongoing element of the Comprehensive Plan
City Council could choose to approve, deny or modify the proposed Ordinance. However, assuming the prior agenda item (to adopt PlanC...
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