Ordinance No. 22-03 amending Ordinance No. 20-92 (2021 Appropriation Ordinance) for a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund in the amount of $2,261,331 for a transfer to the Capital Improvement Program Fund, and to the Capital Improvement Program Fund in the amount of $2,261,331 for a capital transportation infrastructure project, the funding being the result of one-time American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding distributed through the Highway Users Tax Fund
Charae McDaniel, Chief Financial Officer
Travis Easton, Public Works Director
The attached ordinance is a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund to transfer funds to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Fund, and to the CIP Fund in the amount of $2,261,331 for capital transportation infrastructure projects. Due to American Rescue Plan Act funding that was received by the State of Colorado and passed through to local governments, the City of Colorado Springs has received $2,261,331 from the Highway Users Tax Fund (HUTF) into the General Fund. The General Fund will transfer this amount to the CIP fund to supplement the existing 30th Street Safety Improvement Project in 2021 and carry forward into 2022.
The Project will reconstruct and widen 30th Street from Fontanero Street to Mesa Road which is approximately 2.3 miles in length and adjacent to Garden of the Gods Park. The total project cost will be approximately $24M to $25M. The City was awarded federal grant funding in the amount of $14,513,620 for construction. The City has provided local match and overmatch funding for the grant of $5,781,088, and Operation & Maintenance division funding of $613,184 for engineering, property acquisition, environmental clearance, and construction cost. These funds were included in prior year's project budget.
Additional funding has been provided by Colorado Springs Utilities ($1,050,231) and Pikes Peak Rural Transportation ($726,287).
Additional funding is ne...
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